From the Pastor

Pastor Walter T. Arthur, Sr.

I have been pastoring and teaching for over 35 years. However, about seven years ago, I became aware that I was not teaching the fullness of the word of God. I became aware that I was not teaching what God’s Word says, but primarily what man, denomination, and tradition interpret what the Bible says. My understanding, interpretation, and teaching was drastically beneath the scope and perspective of what God inspired His writers to write. 1 Cor 2:9-14 states that the Bible cannot be comprehended or understood with just natural, human wisdom. As I chose to transcend human understanding and perspectives and allow the Holy Spirit to “guide me into all truth(Jn 16:),” which is freely given to us by God (1 Cor 2:12), I began to see the word of God from a totally different perspective- far greater and encompassing than I could have ever imagined (Eph 3:20).

I am now fully committed to convey these truths to bring relevance of the Church of Jesus Christ (Mt.16:18-19) to a “seemingly” dying world desperately permeated with the deception, lies, and spiritual darkness perpetrated and perpetuated by the common enemy of us all. Additionally, I am committed to teach purpose, calling, destiny, and our Biblically ordained and mandated position and authority in the Kingdom of God to both the individual Christian and the church at large.