Hashem Christian Worship Center Statement of Purpose
Hashem Christian Worship Center is a non-denominational church that strives to be focused on the revelation, proclamation, and assimilation of the Word of God. Our focus and thrust is on the “Kingdom Mandate” initiated by God in Gen 1:26-28, and reinforced, maintained, and sustained throughout scripture. Rather than establishing and maintaining a rigid, unalterable set of foundational doctrines, precepts, and perspectives predicated on present understanding, comprehension, and interpretation of God’s word, we endeavor to establish our foundation solely on the word of God, and adapt our foundational premise and perspectives to conform to ongoing revelation and impartation of Biblical interpretation as received by and through the Holy Spirit and His “tuned in” vessels.
We envision Hashem as a multi-ethnic, Kingdom-centered church that is focused on, but not limited to, (1) revealing and emphasizing the fact that the original mandate of God for the purpose of all mankind was written in Gen 1:26-28, and is intrinsically and inseparably interconnected and reinforced throughout the Bible, (2) revealing and emphasizing that one major aspect of the original and primary mission of the Church as reflected in Matthew 3:2, 16:17-19, et al, is the reinitialization of the primary mandate by God as written in Gen 1:26-28, with Christ’s church as the operative body. (3) educate both parents and children with the truth and correctness of the word of God, to enlighten them to the knowledge of God that surpasses and transcends all human understanding, and counteract the deceptive , false, and damaging secular perspectives taught in most schools that both defy and defame Biblical truth, (4) assisting partners of Hashem to discover, incorporate, and function in their individual, divinely predetermined, calling and purpose.
Using Jacob’s son Joseph, and Daniel as Biblical templates, we envision partners of Hashem, as they discover and embrace their individual purposes and destinies , to access their respective spheres of influence in the world , which may currently be under the influence of satanic and demonic deception, transitioning and transforming them to function under the Kingdom of God principles by and with the loving, drawing, and overtaking power of God, that we can be a part of the Church that is focused on presenting to Jesus the “glory of nations” when He returns.